You see, I’m
going on a trip for the next week so family will probably prevent me from
getting away to write a ton. So that leaves me to have to have won before I
left. It’s all good now, though, because now I’m a Winn3r! (Somebody tell me
they caught the play on my name there...)
My story is far from finished, though, and I probably won’t go back and edit it. It was more of a practice round anyways. I’m preparing myself to write something besides high fantasy—no matter how much I love it. We’ll see where that takes me, though, as high fantasy has always been my returning point when it comes to writing.
Anyways, I
bid you all adieu for now. I will speak with you all about something else
surely more interesting at some later point in time. Until then!
P.S. Quitting is for quitters, but cake is for winners!