Sunday, September 23, 2012

Passing Time

What is Time, if not just a number we see on clocks? What is this idea that we as humans have created and dubbed “Time”? It is obviously not a heavenly thought, but an earthly one; not made by God, but by man.

Time exists for a single reason. We, as humans, crave knowledge. We could never just be. No, we need a method of measurement; of remembering; of knowing. In fact, knowledge is what any and every person seeks, consciously or not. Without it, we would have no purpose; no direction.
Imagine a world where no man knew more or less than another. We, as people, could never maintain such a balance. We have developed a sense of individualism and freedom that has taught us not only to scorn others, but to embrace our own greed. It has told us the more we know, the more we will have, and if we have more, we will worry less.